It had been on my mind through years of professional development and colourful times.

I had studied late nights, early mornings whilst practicing my professional skills to help great people locally and nationally throughout the day.

One day I said to myself:

“ I would open a bespoke health, wellness and therapy clinic to help those that have pains, issues and challenges like I have had to work on to help overcome.”

I had a goal to open a private practice, a professional 1-1 clinic in a bespoke way that would be exclusive to those I worked with utilising all my professional skills, accreditation’s, tools and techniques from over a decade of development to help those who wanted to move forward with me.

And I was just sat one day in Leeds looking out of the window of Angelicas on the top of trinity vividly seeing that moment, pondering on the thought, and as I sharpened my pencil to journal my thoughts, my chest started to race, I got a pounding feeling this time it wasn’t anxiety nor a nasty panic attack that I had had many of before now, this time it was of evolving for greater times.

This time it was a feeling of a good, positive change and good things where about to happen.

I sat on the thought for some time.

I was going through some of the hardest, toughest and roughest of times myself in my life dealing with the demons of the past that would like to intrude my day.

I said to myself though:

No matter, how dark it gets, how many grey clouds there is, or how many turn up to camp out, I will one day find the sun and shine to help others too.

Sometimes we must colourfully remember whilst laying on our back looking at the stars to know that at the end of one day the stars will come out in clearer sky and as they go down, the sun will come up.

The Mind & Wellness Clinic – Leeds

Rising soon.